viernes, 22 de diciembre de 2017

All the information you need to know about the next World Cup in Russia 2018

32 countries, 31 days, twelve stadiums, eleven cities, eight groups and one champion. Know the details of the great sporting event next year.

WHEN: The 2018 World Cup will take place from June 14 to July 15 in Russia, with a total duration of 31 days. It will have twelve stadiums, located in eleven cities in the west of the country.

MASCOTA: La mascota del Mundial de Rusia 2018 será un lobo llamado Zabivaka, elegido en la votación de más de un millón de internautas que se extendió durante un mes, con un 53% de apoyos. Las otras dos mascotas propuestas eran un tigre y un gato. Zabivaka, un juego de palabras entre “marcar un gol” y “batallador”, fue diseñado por Ekaterina Bocharova, una estudiante originaria de Tomsk (Siberia Occidental). El lobo sucederá al armadillo Fuleco, la mascota del Mundial de Brasil 2014, y al leopardo Zakumi del Mundial de Sudáfrica 2010.

BALL: The Telstar 18 happens to the Brazilian Brazuca (2014), the Jabulani of South Africa (2010) and the German Teamgeist (2006). Telstar is the abbreviation of "star of the television", a name that already was used in the World-wide ones of 1970 and 1974, the golden years of Pele and Beckenbauer. With a predominantly white color, with black geometrical figures that give it a retro feel, the Adidas Telstar-18 will have the mission to escape the criticism received by its predecessors, especially for its lightness.

TRANSPORTATION: FIFA will provide each Fan with a FanID card, which allows additional services and advantages of the host country, such as visa-free entry in the Russian Federation, some free travel between venues and free use of public transport the days of the match.

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